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At Schererville Soccer Club, we are proud to have a dedicated team of volunteers who make our programs possible, from our board members to our coaches. Please note that all these individuals generously donate their time and expertise without compensation.

Many of our volunteers juggle full-time jobs and family responsibilities, which means they may not always be able to devote 100% of their time. We deeply appreciate your understanding and support as we strive to create the best possible experience for our players and families.

If you are interested in becoming more involved or joining our board in any capacity, we would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us for more information on how you can contribute.

Thank you for being a part of our community and for helping us grow stronger through your commitment and involvement.

The Schererville Soccer Club

Board of Directors 2024-25

*Executive Board Members
*PresidentDeena Grimler
[email protected]
*Vice PresidentKristen Brumm[email protected]
*SecretaryDayanna Frey[email protected]
*TreasurerBill Murczek
[email protected]
*RegistrarRachael Krupa
[email protected]
Commissioner U04 /U6Gabby Cast[email protected]
Commissioner U08Mark Tilton[email protected]
Commissioner U10
Zac Topoll[email protected]
Commissioner U12
Phil Patrick
Commissioner U14/U19
Erin Barber
[email protected]
Director of NWISL (Travel)
Bill Forsythe (Girls)   Jason Mendoza (Boys)
[email protected]
Director of Referees
Rusty Jacobs & Ken Sexton[email protected]
Director of Sponsors / Special Events
Danielle Sparavalo
[email protected]
Director of ConcessionsGary Grimler[email protected]
Director of Fields / Equipment
Steve Swalina
[email protected]



Schererville Soccer Clubs Philosophy

The purpose of the Schererville Soccer Club Incorporated is to provide a quality soccer program for the benefit of the boys and girls of the Town of Schererville and immediate surrounding communities of Lake County, Indiana that will promote the growth of, and appreciation for, the game of soccer.

It is the goal of the Club to provide an opportunity to youth of all skills and abilities beginning at the age of 4 with the opportunity to learn the Laws of the Game and to participate in an organized program of soccer training and recreation.

The Club intends to achieve these purposes by developing and encouraging a philosophy and practice of good sportsmanship among its members and players through the appropriate assistance, instruction, and training of soccer players, coaches, and referees in the development and improvement of their capabilities.

8.3 The President of the Board of Directors.
The President of the Board of Directors shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club. Subject to the control of the Board of Directors, the President shall have general supervision and control over the business and affairs of the Club. In general, the President shall perform all duties which are by law or custom incident to such office, and such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned to the President by the Board of Directors. The President's duties shall also consist of, but not be limited to:

A. Uphold and enforce the Constitution and By-laws of Schererville Soccer Club. 
B. Coordinate and represent the entire soccer program of the Schererville Soccer Club. 
C. Conduct monthly meetings of the Board of Directors on a regular basis to assure the quality and timeliness of the responsibilities completed by and for the Club. Call special meetings of the Board as scheduled or deemed necessary. 
D. Assist in selecting people to fill non-elected positions. 
E. Pass on knowledge or information from previous years to administrative personnel. 
F. Assist in all registrations and drafts. 
G. Represent the Club, its Board, members, and teams in meetings with other soccer clubs, associations, or organizations. 
H. Act as authorized agent in the execution of any bonds, contracts, or other instruments which the Board of Directors have duly authorized and approved to be executed, except where signing and executing has been assigned to any other officer according to these By-laws.

8.4 Vice-President.
The Vice-President shall uphold and support all the functions of the office of President:
A. In the event of the President's absence or disability, the Vice-President shall preside and carry on the duties of the President. 
B. The Vice-President shall have primary responsibility for scheduling and coordinating all registrations and the drafts. 
C. The Vice-President shall also be the President's liaison to all committee's and shall report to the President. 
D. Coordinate a year-end financial audit of all records, receipts, disbursements, and bank accounts as maintained by the Treasurer with assistance from an independent outside resource.

8.5 Secretary.
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors and shall record, or cause to be recorded, accurate minutes of such meetings. The Secretary shall attend to the proper issuance of all notices of the Club and shall have custody of the minute books of the Club. In general, the Secretary shall perform all duties which are by law or custom incident to such office, and such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned to the Secretary by the Board of Directors or the President. The Secretary's duties shall also consist of, but not limited to:

A. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the Board. 
B. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings when directed by the President. 
C. The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence as directed by the President and the Board of Directors. 
D. Shall send letters of appreciation to all sponsors and patrons.

8.6 Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the corporation. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody, and be responsible for, all funds of the corporation, and shall deposit such funds in such depositories as shall be selected by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall receive and faithfully account for all funds of the Club and shall render to the President, whenever requested and as good accounting and tax practices may require, an account of all financial transactions of the Club and of the financial condition of the Club. In general, the Treasurer shall perform all the duties incident to the office, and such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Board of Directors or the President. The Treasurer's duties shall include, but not be limited to:

A. The Treasurer shall collect all funds due the Club and make disbursements for payment of all obligations as authorized by the Board.
B. The Treasurer shall keep a suitable set of books and shall submit monthly statements to the Board of Directors and a year-end statement covering all receipts and expenditures as well as a current Balance Sheet. 
C. Maintain accurate and complete records of all amounts owed to the Club from any individual or entity and actively promote and participate in the timely collection of any such receivable amounts. 
D. Shall prepare and cooperate in an independent year-end audit of all financial records and transactions maintained by the Treasurer as related to Club matters. 
E. Shall cooperate and participate with the Director of Concessions and Director of Sponsors to ensure the appropriate accounting for all of their related activities.

8.7 Duties of Other Directors.
In addition to the Executive Board, the Club may elect or appoint additional Directors to maintain the following responsibilities and authority. These additional Directors shall function as a team with the Executive Board to promote the goals and purpose of the Club. If it is not possible to elect or select individuals for these additional Directorships then it shall be the responsibility of the remaining Directors to make reasonable efforts to divide, share, assign, or otherwise cause the completion of these responsibilities.

8.7.1 Commissioners.
1. Commissioners shall be the liaison between all coaches in the respective commissioner's division and the Board of Directors. 
2. Commissioners will represent the coaches, assistant coaches, and other Club members within their respective division as regards all matters of the Club 
3. Shall receive and distribute uniforms, game balls, and other Club equipment and shall be responsible for collecting and securing all same equipment immediately upon the conclusion of each soccer season. 
4. Shall distribute, or cause to be distributed, printed materials to coaches and members as directed by the Board of Directors. 
5. Shall be responsible for the recruitment, selection, development, and mentoring of coaches and assistant coaches for every team in their respective division. 
6. Shall coordinate and conduct the draft in their division according to the parameters established by the Club. 
7. Shall maintain schedules and allocate all team practice times and game times at locations as designated by the Board of Directors. 
8. Shall maintain team standings and player assessments as applicable for each age group ensuring the timely and accurate completion of all player evaluations. 
9. Shall organize and conduct tournament/s within their division during the Fall season or as directed by the Board.

8.7.2 Director of Fields and Equipment.
1. The Director of Fields and Equipment shall locate, plan, and prepare all practice and playing fields. 
2. The Director of Fields and Equipment shall enlist volunteers with the cooperation of commissioners to help prepare and maintain all fields including the supervision and coordination of the initial set-up, lay-out, and preparation of all fields at the beginning of each season. 
3. The Director of Fields and Equipment shall establish and maintain a good relationship with the Department of Parks and Recreation for the towns of Schererville, St. John, and any other entity which has any authority over the fields and locations that the Club uses for practices and games. 
4. Shall procure and distribute sufficient quantities of balls and other practice equipment for all coaches through the cooperation of the commissioners. 
5. Shall identify supply requirements then procure and maintain sufficient quantities of all game, practice, field, and related equipment as needed and approved by the President or Board of Directors. 
6. Shall collect, inventory, inspect, store, and provide reasonable security of all Club equipment at the end of each season. 
7. Shall provide a projected budget and list of all anticipated supply needs at least 30 days prior to the start of each season or as otherwise requested by the President or
Board of Directors. 
8. Shall coordinate and maintain practice and game schedules from soccer teams or groups outside of the Schererville Club and help ensure that all such outside interests have received specific Club permission for use of same. 
9. Shall routinely inspect all fields, goals, nets, playing surfaces, storage facilities and all related Club property to ensure the proper working condition and best possible safety conditions for the Club and its members.

8.7.3 Director of Referees.
1. The Director/s of Referees shall be responsible for the solicitation, selection, and assignment of all referees for all in-house Club games and tournaments. 
2. Shall be responsible for the training and development of all referees to ensure their competency in the regular rules and regulations as documented in the most recent rule-book for soccer as distributed by SAY. 
3. Shall be accountable for tracking, requisitioning, and payment of all fees owed to referees in compliance with the financial guidelines established by the President or Board of Directors and administered by the Treasurer. 
4. Shall provide budgetary information including estimates of all fees and referee-related expenses prior to the start of each season or as otherwise requested by the President or Board. 
5. Will be responsible for the objective reporting, to the President, of any action, comment, or gesture by any player, coach, assistant coach, referee, or spectator that is not in compliance with the Club's expressed constitution to provide and maintain an environment of good sportsmanship.

8.7.4 Director of Coaches and Training.
1. The Director/s of Coaches and Training shall be responsible for maintaining age-appropriate guidelines for youth soccer training and development of coaches as established by the Director/s and approved by the Board of Directors. 
2. Shall develop youth soccer training programs, clinics, and sessions utilizing internal Club resources or third party resources subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. 
3. Shall develop or cause to be available and informed, training programs, clinics, events, etc. utilizing internal Club resources or third party resources subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. 
4. Shall coordinate and manage any and all tryouts as may be conducted for any Club team.

8.7.5 Director of NWISL.
1. The Northwest Indiana Soccer League (hereinafter referred to as "NWISL") Director shall be the Club liaison to the Northwest Indiana Soccer Association. 
2. Shall attend or secure Club representation at all meetings of the NWISL and vote in that organization on behalf of the Club. 
3. Shall share information and communicate to the Club, on a timely basis, as regards all activities of the NWISL, including registration, tournaments, game and field schedules, rules and all other matters pertaining to Indiana youth soccer. 
4. Shall develop schedules and coordinate field requirements for the "home" games of all Club teams that participate in the NWISL including all regularly scheduled games, tournaments, make-up games, and other special NWISL activities. 
5. Shall coordinate the procurement and distribution of all supplies, equipment, and uniforms as required for the Club's teams that travel and compete within the NWISL.

8.7.6 Director of Sponsors.
1. The Director of Sponsors is responsible for the coordination and execution of strategies and activities pertaining to the solicitation of sponsors and potential sponsors as well as the collection of all sponsor pledges. 
2. Shall prepare formal reports of such strategies and the results of such activities as requested by the President or the Board and present same. 
3. Shall assist the Club Treasurer to ensure the proper accounting of all pledge and
sponsorship moneys. 
4. Shall acquire names, logos, and all other necessary information in coordination with the preparation of uniforms and printed materials. 
5. Shall coordinate the publication and distribution of any Club program, guide, newsletter, etc. as approved by the Board of Directors.

8.7.7 Director of Concessions.
1. The Director of Concessions shall be responsible for any concessions, the sale of any merchandise, or any other retail sales activity as approved by the Board of Directors. 
2. Shall secure and schedule volunteers and other personnel as needed to adequately handle the above responsibilities. 
3. Shall be responsible for the coordination and completion of basic cleaning and maintenance of concession facilities and equipment. 
4. Shall be responsible for the inventory, procurement, and control of any supplies, concession products, and any and all merchandise to be sold. 
5. Shall be responsible for the proper security and accounting of all concession-related revenues and expenses in cooperation with the Club Treasurer including the maintenance of a "cash box" or similar device to provide resources for all monetary concession transactions.

8.7.8 Director of Uniforms and Pictures.
1. The Director of Uniforms and Pictures shall be responsible for coordinating the purchase and distribution of uniforms for all appropriate non-traveling teams and shall be responsible for photographic or related video activities. 
2. Shall solicit, secure, and analyze bids for uniforms and photographic or related media on an annual basis and shall prepare and share all such information with the Board for the purposes of obtaining consensus approval. 
3. Shall be responsible for the procurement of all needed uniforms, photography vendors, or other related needs as approved by the Board of Directors. 
4. Shall coordinate the shipping, delivery, and distribution of all uniforms to respective Commissioners, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, or similarly-designated individuals. 
5. Shall coordinate the accurate and timely scheduling for all teams, players, and other Club members participating in photographic or related media activities.

8.7.9 At Large.
1. At-Large Directors, where and when so elected, may be assigned special projects or assist other Directors as needed.

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