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Coaching Quiz

Coaching Quiz

Youth Coaching Quiz

The National Institute for Child Centered Coaching prepared this quiz for coaches to evaluate themselves. Note the response that best reflects your thoughts about each statement.

1. The major reason children should be involved in sports is for fun, not winning.

A. Yes. Enjoyment is the key; winning is only secondary. 
B. No. Winning is important to young children and older children.
C. Sort of. Winning is important but not necessary.

2. Children should learn how to compete at an early age.

A. Sort of. Competition is important, but it shouldn't be the basis for playing sports for young children.
B. Yes. They stand a better chance of being successful later in life.
C. No. The earlier young children learn to be competitive, the less enjoyment they might have playing.

3. A good, strong self-image can be developed in young children with a no-nonense approach to coaching.

A. Sort of. Children need to be managed with a firm yet reasonable approach.
B. No. Children need to be encouraged to try their best.
C. Yes. They need to be told "who is the boss" and to follow the rules.

4. Praising a child's ability is OK, but a coach shouldn't overdo it.

A. Yes. If praised too often, they'll develop a false sense of their abilities.
B. Sort of. Children need to be told accurately and honestly about their weaknesses.
C. No. If it's honest praise, there is no such thing as "overdoing it."

5. Children who develop too high of a sense of self-esteem grow up being spoiled.

A. Take any one of those high-priced superstars in today's sports, and you'll see what a spoiled child is like.
B. Children with high self-esteem often make the best players.
C. A child must be taught humility; a child with high self-esteem often acts conceited.

6. Most parents want their young children to win -- not necessarily to have fun.

A. Agree.
B. Some do, but not all.
C. Parents need to be educated.

7. Disciplining a child in front of the team sets an example for others. 

A. Disciplining a child is a private issue between the coach and child.
B. Other children learn to do the right thing really fast.
C. Peer pressure is the most effective form of team discipline.

8. Team rules should be set by the coach and given to the players.

A. A coach needs to show who's in charge; children need to respect authority.
B. A coach needs to provide guidance; children should be empowered.
C. A coach needs to demonstrate leadership; children need to comply.

9. The coach sometimes acts like a teacher; sometimes like a parent.

A. A coach is at times a parent and a teacher.
B. A coach might sometimes take on the role of a teacher or a parent but should remain first a coach.
C. A coach should not be confused with a parent or teacher; a coach is a coach.

10. A parent's role in children's sports should be:

A. To be mildly involved.
B. To be moderately involved.
C. To be involved to the maximum level.

Youth Coaching Quiz Answers

To score your responses, add up your points.
1) A=3,B=1,C=2
2) A=2,B=1,C=3
3) A=2,B=3,C=1
4) A=1,B=2,C=3
5) A=1,B=3,C=2
6) A=1,B=2,C=3
7) A=3,B=1,C=2
8) A=1,B=3,C=2
9) A=3,B=1,C=2
10) A=1,B=2,C=3

10-16 points. Attitudes of traditional coaching: Believes winning is the primary reason for playing sports; takes a hard line in discipline; uses an autocratic approach to coaching; finds little value for parental involvement. Need a lot more instruction in child-centered coaching philosophy and techniques.

17-23 points. Tendency toward leadership, not autocratic rule; problem solving, not ruling; motivating, not commanding. Needs continued study and practice in child-centered coaching philosophy.

24-30 points. Believes in making the game fun; is willing to be both a parent figure and teacher; offers guidance, encouragement and support and maximizes parental involvement. Needs to continue practicing skills.

For more information on child-centered coaching, contact

The National Institute for Child Centered Coaching

3160 Pine Brook Road
Park City, Utah 84060
(801) 649-5822
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